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GreenClean Liquid 5.0

Product Information Container Size

Hydrogen Dioxide: 23% Peroxyacetic Acid: 5.3%
GreenClean Liquid 5.0 offers increased active ingredient at more economical application rates. Ideal for larger bodies of water, GreenClean Liquid 5.0 is a powerful algaecide alternative to copper-based treatments. It can be applied to various aquatic sites and habitats, including copper sensitive or restricted areas. GreenClean Liquid 5.0 can also be applied to areas without swimming, irrigation or other use restrictions. With its patented formulation, GreenClean Liquid 5.0 works quickly to fight planktonic algal blooms, including cyanobacteria blooms, filamentous or mat-forming algae. GreenClean Liquid 5.0 rapidly breaks down algal toxins, pigments and other organic cellular compounds releasings vital oxygen into the water body. It safely biodegrades while significantly controlling algal biomass for longer control and results. 5, 30, 55 & 275 gal


Cygnet Enterprises, Inc. believes that the sale of aquatic herbicides and algaecides requires responsible product stewardship prior to, during and after the sale. The concept of responsible product stewardship requires the end user to understand the proper product to use for the target plant, when to apply it, how to apply it, what to expect, when to expect it, product and water use restrictions and the proper disposal of the empty product container. It is our belief this requires, at minimum, a person to person conversation between a sales representative and the end user. It is for this reason Cygnet Enterprises, Inc. has made the decision not to offer “point and click” sales through our website.

Please utilize the product information supplied by our website as a guide and simply contact us to discuss your management goals and specific product requirements


Pesticide sales and use are regulated by various state and federal agencies. Consult them regarding these regulations and restrictions. The information on this website is for reference only and should not be considered a recommendation.

ALWAYS read and follow the product label instructions, applications and restrictions.

For the most updated label and MSDS information please follow the links contained within each product or contact the manufacturer directly.

Cygnet Enterprises, Inc. recommends contacting a certified commercial applicator for herbicide and algaecide application. If you would like help finding a certified applicator in your area, please contact us for assistance.

The information on this website is for general information and not intended to provide specific advice.



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